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X10community.com has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our company's commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for all X10community.com URL's.
Customer information is not sold or redistributed to any other parties not affiliated with x10community.
Our site uses cookies to maintain shopping cart information, provide special offers, and to monitor the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.
Our site makes use of an order form. We collect visitor's contact information (billing, shipping and email address) as well as financial information (account or credit card numbers) with the purpose of processing and shipping orders as well as promoting company specials to our customers.
E-mail Newsletters and Buyer's Alert: By submitting your e-mail address to X10community, either through an X10community contest, promotion, information, support, or other form, your e-mail address will automatically be added to our E-Newsletter Subscriber List. If you choose to enter an X10community.com contest, sweepstakes or promotion and have previously requested to be removed from the X10community email subscriber list, your entry will re-subscribe you to this email newsletter list.
Your e-mail address is protected by X10community.com and will not be sold or redistributed to other companies, except when required by the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. You may opt-out of receiving future emails or e-mail promotions by clicking on the link at the bottom of your newsletter and clicking on the "Remove my address" button. Alternatively, you may opt-out of receiving future emails by sending e-mail to remove@mail.x10.com. Place "remove" in the subject line, followed by the exact e-mail address you wish to be removed. We will remove this address from our list.
If you choose to opt-out of future email, X10community is obligated by federal law to circulate your email address to other list owners with whom X10community places advertisements. Please be aware that while the intention is to remove your email address from receiving X10community emails, X10community cannot guarantee how your email address will be used by any outside party.
Please allow 2 business days to be removed from the list. Note: From time to time, we get requests to be removed off our list, and people continue to receive our E-Newsletter. This usually happens when the e-mail address you are asking to be removed is different from the e-mail address on our list. If you have asked to be removed several times and followed the directions carefully, and still get the E-Newsletter, please send your name and e-mail address to webmaster@mail.x10.com. Please write in the subject box; "still receiving e-mails, please research my name." We will do everything we can to remove your e-mail address. E-mail Newsletter Usage. We periodically (sometimes daily or weekly) send E-mail Newsletters to our customers and site visitors with special offers and exciting news about new products.
FREE Product Offers. X10community FREE product offers are limited to new customers residing in the U.S. and are limited to one per household. Free product offers may not be combined. Any household that has received any prior free product offer from X10community is not eligible for this offer. This limited time offer may end without notice and is only available while supplies last. Customer is responsible for all shipping charges. Postal Mail. Send complaints or removal requests by standard mail to: X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. Complaints and Abuse. For complaints about spam or other e-mail complaints, please contact abuse@x10.com. |