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A White Christmas....really?

Making the transition from student to full time employee means experiencing your typical life events in a different way. Does that make sense? Not sure, but let me explain. From the ages 6 to 22 (depending on how long you're stuck in 3rd grade) kids get a lot of time off from school. Before Christmas kids in my area get Mid winter break, and after that they get Christmas break, and after that spring break, and then summer.... you get the point.

Now I clock in and out, and suddenly find myself with 6 days left for getting those impressive gifts for my family. What a whiner right? I'm just saying its quite different now when you live 95% of your life with huge chunks of free time and little responsibility. Will it make these holidays and time off with family even more special, or will it go so fast that I can barely clear my mouth of candy cane fragments?

In other news, the escape from the ghetto is in progress. I'll be off this Thursday and Friday to see if I can get enough stuff moved to wake up in the new house Xmas morning. Thankfully I have a few good friends helping me out enormously - I'm not a good mover. Usually I just carry loads of my junk and toss it in the back seat until I'm surrounded by my stuff.

In the new house there will be plenty of time to put the New Video Sender to use. Can you say Halo Tourney? Well if not, I can, and will. But with the Video Sender I can cheat and send the signal from my competitions TV to mine and take a peek as to where they are sniping me from. Sounds...exciting right? You'd love it....

Check it out -- the new and improved Video Sender -- http://www.x10videosender.com


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I find that it's not so much the lack of free time as the schedule...it was so much easier to do Christmas shopping when I had a spare hour between classes during the day than it is now that I'm nine-to-sixing it and exhausted by day's end.

Then again, at least we don't have final papers to write.

How do you stand working at X10 without slitting your wrists?

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