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"Blogging For Bucks"

When many of my affiliates ask me what they can do to increase sales and orders of X10 products, I always ask about their blog. Some either have a blog, and others are confused as to why a blog would make any difference. The one thing I realize though is that the majority of these publishers underestimate the power of how a blog can drive sales, especially those who keep one. The affiliates that do have a blog only write one because they’re told that blogs can help – however, they really have no idea how or why this is so. I wanted today’s post to focus on explaining the effectiveness of a blog and how you should use it to your advantage.

A major benefit to keeping an updated blog is that it helps with your search engine rankings by showing that you constantly have fresh new content to your site. Your site does not appear stale, and this is a big plus to search engine providers. In addition, once you are able to draw readers to your blog, you are able to interact with them by answering questions they have or by offering advice that can be useful. Your job is to sell your website, and by being a helpful blogger, are providing a service to your readers, increasing the chances of making new sales.

But how does just writing about anything help? Here’s the key: when blogging, don’t just blog about anything, especially if you are trying to push products on your website. Have a niche and use it to your advantage. With the millions of people in North America, we are all unique and have individual talents and specialties. Use your specialty to your advantage. For instance, if your background is in the Construction Industry, blog about why it would be important to have security cameras on your construction sites to protect your tools and equipment. If your background is in childcare services, blog about ways to protect and monitor your children and how X10 products will help.

Explain why people can benefit and how these products provide the services they need for the specialties they have. Although it would be nice to target everyone in the world, you have a better chance of landing the sale when you target people who share similar concerns or specialties as you. This allows you to become a consultant and not just some person trying to make a sale.

Add your banners, text links or creatives to your blog posts. But make sure you find ones that fit with what you are discussing. It doesn’t help to post an ad about X10 Home Automation when you just created a very good writeup on how Wireless Security Cameras can protect you from strangers.

Are you aware that there are many resources to post your blog? There are special blog search engines and there are special blog communities. These are the readers where you want your blog to reach. Top blog sites such as Technorati.com or Digg.com draws millions of viewers a day to their sites. If you are able to get a buzz going to these sites you will be able to generate traffic to your own page.

Next, use the power of community sites catering to what you are blogging about. For instance, people who have an interest in X10 products normally congregate in a similar area such as X10Community.com. Have your blogs posted to the site for everyone to read. If your blog is able to provide useful answers or results you’ll be able to make more sales. This is why it’s important to cater to your niche. Because the readers who access your blog stand the best chance of purchasing from you, probably because they share similar interests as yourself. If you can consult them with why purchasing can improve or help them out you’ll start to see you sales go up.


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