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The Popularity of Video Blogs

Video Blogs, or Vlogs as they are known, are the latest trend generated by the Internet. Popular online video sites such as YouTube, Grouper, & Jumpcut generate millions of visitors to their sites daily, and have even grabbed the attention of such online giants as MSN, AOL & Google. So much in fact, that in October of 2006, Search Engine giant Google.com recently in a rivalry battle, shoveled out $1.65 billion USD to purchase online video community giant YouTube, while MSN and AOL have recently launched their own video community sites with the hopes of competing and taking a chunk of the market share.

With this being the latest in online popularity, you have the means to capture new customers by bringing many video viewers to your website. All it takes is a video camera and a bit of creativity, of course maybe just a few other things also such as a computer with video editing software, but you get my drift.

According to a statistic onYouTube.com, YouTube is currently serving 100 million videos per day, with more than 65,000 videos being uploaded daily. Hitwise.com, a company which measures the usage of Internet users, states that YouTube videos accounts for 60 percent of all videos watched online and people are spending an average of 17 minutes per session on the site. The Nielsen NetRatings mentions that YouTube has nearly 20M unique users per month.

For those of you unfamiliar with YouTube, they provide an online community for people to watch online videos and to be able to interact with video directors or fans of the shows. This allows anyone to be a video director or be the star of a video with the hopes of putting it out on the Internet for millions to see.

So how can you get in of the action? It’s simple. Most video blog sites cater to all independent forms of video. In fact, the only rules to posting your videos on their sites are to not post any copyrighted footage, or anything considered obscene. This means you can create videos to market your products or online shop. Of course every vlog website runs their business different from others, so you may want to check their rules before you start posting your video creations.

So by posting videos, does this mean that you’ll instantly draw an audience? Not exactly. However, if you find a niche that caters to what viewers want you’ll have the ability to send them directly to your sites. Find ways to be clever with your commercials and keep in mind that if it doesn’t appear interesting or look too exciting, people probably won’t watch it. Also keep in mind that the members (especially at YouTube) have the ability to rate your projects for everyone to see, so the lower the ratings you receive, the more likely your video will be ineffective.

Think about some of the commercials you’ve seen on television and what you thought about them. Which ones have captured your attention and made you want to watch? Which ones have turned you off in boredom or disgust? When you use this approach while creating your masterpiece you’ll stand a better chance of drawing a bigger audience.


several of the people that I know get their vacation from their job in during the summer, but me, I go to work the whole summer. Now my so desired holiday period is arrived also for me. This year I wanna travel to Asia. In these moment I have a travel catalogue always opened to search for bangkok budget hotel . I am gonna fly to Bangkok and then I will choose how to go on. I am single, so the whole continent is my oister.
bye bye,

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