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Top-Selling X10 Items

The new affiliates usually ask me what the top selling items are at X10. Especially the items that do so well for affiliate sales. I wanted to put out a quick mention to let you know.

In no particular order, the top three selling items are the alarm systems, the wireless camera systems, and the home automation softwares.

The alarm systems are always in high demand because people don’t realize they need one until something unfortunate happens. It’s at this point that when they are searching for alarm systems on the Internet that they are more likely to buy one sooner than later. Usually purchasing decisions for alarm systems are quick and sudden. So the more banners you put on your site along with proper content will help you make a few sales.

Wireless cameras are popular for several reasons. One reason is that people have a need for them. Like alarm systems, people want to have an extra added sense of security after something negative has occurred. Another reason people purchase wireless cameras is the intrigue factor. Many of our customers don’t necessarily have a need for them, they just have a “want” and end up purchasing.

Most people who purchase Home automation items do so for novelty purposes. However, I have talked to quite a few people use our products because of a specific need. One lady I interviewed talked about how her friend who is disabled and in a wheelchair uses X10 to extend her mobility. She has the capability to turn on her lamps or reach items that would usually be more of a chore.

By properly targeting and knowing the customers who go to your website, you have the chance to make more sales. Think about why people make the purchases that they do. If your website is more novelty, find ways to appeal to your audience by making the products you sell look fun and exciting. If your website consults and provides serious information, then find ways to discuss the products you sell and talk about why there is a need.

By spending the extra time to analyze your market, you’ll be cashing in the checks come payday!


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