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Trick or treat!

Today is Halloween… and by the time I get home from work it’ll already be dark and the streets will be full of ghosts, goblins, monsters, and more. I’m ashamed to admit this, but last week I bought a big bag of candy to pass out. But as the week passed on, I’ve been slowly munching away on the little delights, now leaving only about 5 pieces in the bag… It looks like I’ll be shutting off the lights to the front door and quietly be hiding in my home. Oh well, I tried….

It’s been a good trick or treat campaign for our affiliates though this past week, as many of them have been able to generate a lot of sales. I’ve had the opportunity to speak with several of them and was provided some goodies. For example, www.davesbargain.com has a section on freebies. In talking to Dave, he’s taken advantage of a few things there himself and is the recipient of several cool gifts. I just wanted to share this with everyone in the event you may be looking for a few good deals. Thanks Dave!

Hope you all have a Happy Halloween!


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