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Community Update

Today on the Blog portion of the Community Site, we added three new X10 Bloggers from our marketing Department! Now, you’ll have more opportunities to get greater in-depth knowledge into the X10 world by reading what Scott, Carrie, and Ben have to say!

Scott is the NEW Director of Marketing at X10.com, coming to us after previously working for the Marketing Department at Microsoft.

Carrie is one of our newer web designers. With 11 years of design experience, Carrie has been instrumental in producing creative pieces for many of our websites.

Last but not least, is Ben Brockhaus. Ben’s writing ability bring him here to X10 as a copy writer. Ben has worked on many projects, including some in the past for X10 Community.

With these new blog additions, we hope you’ll enjoy learning more about the marketing and design aspects at x10.com …


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Oh man, the other copywriter has a blog now? I'll have to step up my game.

Yep! Can you feel the pressure? =)

ya, but i'll bet the 'other' copy writer would never write anything about fuzzy bunnies or adorable kittens! He wouldn't even think about wearing any glitter either!

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