Welcome to Lyndsey's Weblog! Now I can share my little life at X10 with the entire net. No longer will my web team be the only lucky recipients of my many "suggestions." The whole world will be a more informed place! (Web producers the world over are rolling their eyes right now.)
So, yes, this an X10 based blog. And I will be relating much of my content back to the greatest home automation company in the world, but I'm interested in many many other things too. You might catch me rambling about:
*Current Events
*Mainstream Technology
*Running and Hiking in the Pacific Northwest
*Fashion (yes, fashion)
*And if I can do it objectively (without getting fired) - Politics
As you can see I'm a Jill-of-all-Trades, but I'm the first to say: a master at none. Bearing that in mind, my blog is meant to start conversation. I want to provoke YOU to respond more than anything else. Lets talk. Tell me where I'm missing something. Push my readers in a better direction. The beauty of the web is that it's interactive. I'll provide the topic, you provide the conversation.