My wife's really proud of the weight I lost...
Here’s an interesting topic: metal detectors. When you think metal detectors, if you think about them at all, you probably picture that cheesy commercial of the guy on TV. “My wife is proud of the weight I lost. But she’s even prouder of this!” (old guy with a thick mustache holds up a gleaming diamond ring). Does that ring any bells?
Well I recently purchased one of these bad boys. If you read my previous blog, then you’re probably thinking, “metal detectors and spies – this guy is a nerd!” I’m okay with that. If I was some weird old guy who walked around the beach and park, wearing a visor and scouring for treasure, then that would be one thing. But I’m not.
The first place I used it was at the family cabin on Hood Canal, where there were formerly a summer camp in an farm back in the 1930s, both since gone. So I used it to uncover artifacts. So, you see, I’m more in it for the historical value.
Anyway, the reason I’m writing this is in defense of myself. Believe me, since I bought this thing, I’ve heard every metal detector joke in the book and seen about a hundred renditions of that stupid commercial. I don’t care! Ha! Bring it on! It’s just that you secretly, at one point or another, probably wanted a metal detector yourself. Don’t lie…
"If I was some weird old guy who walked around the beach and park, wearing a visor and scouring for treasure, then that would be one thing. But I’m not."
haha...good one... =)
You know what's funny? when i was a kid i wanted a metal detector so i could go scouring for treasure also! Everytime i see that commercial that you described about the old guy patting his stomach, i just laugh... =)
Posted by: Mike | September 12, 2006 06:21 PM
Have you found any expensive rings like that guy who lost the weight?
Posted by: OwenR | September 13, 2006 09:29 AM
Did you find anything at the family cabin??
Posted by: CArRiE M | September 14, 2006 12:58 PM
I want to buy a metal detector but I don't know which is the best. I found a lot of informations about that on http://www.METAL-DETECTOR-REVIEW.COM and I want to know more about which model is ideal for treasure hunting. Any recommendations would be appreciated, make and model, etc)
Posted by: Adeel Shahid | October 14, 2006 03:49 AM